Gender and Democracy

Gender equality and inclusive electoral and socio-economic practices are crucial for the establishment of a functioning democracy. Participation, inclusion, and citizenship rights are just as fundamental to the success of a functioning democratic state as are elections, systems of checks and balances, and a range of political parties. Despite the continuous denial of such rights from the concerned authorities, women across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia have been increasingly raising their voices with an intention of entering the democratic process.

In May 2005, Gender Concerns International recognized the need and supported these initiatives by organizing an international conference in Cairo, Egypt. Since then, Gender Concerns International has implemented several programs aimed at achieving gender equality, such as all-female election observation missions across the globe.

Gender Concerns International is also a signatory to the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation and Code of Conduct for International Election Observers. It has observed several elections in different countries throughout the years, with the development of the Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM).


Afghanistan 2016 and Beyond Report

Bayan II: Inclusive governance and improved security through influencing (December 2014 – December 2016, Kabul, The Hague, Brussels, New York)

Bayan I (pilot phase, November 2013, Kabul; June 2013, New York)

Khaberi Kawen (June 2013- July 2014, Kabul)

Rehbar “Leader” Project (Kabul, Herat, Jalalabad and Kunduz, 2012)

Women at the Flash Point, 2010 and Beyond: Women's Voices from Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries (Conference Report)


G-Concerns Libya Special Newsletter, March 2014

Dastoor project (May 2013 – May 2015)

Women for Democratic Transformation (WDT) (February, 2014)

Drafting of a Gender Sensitive Constitution, 2014

'Our revolution, Our Constitution' (February, 2014)

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) July 2012, Final Report


Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2021, Preliminary Statement

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2016, Preliminary Statement

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2015, Final Report

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2011, Final Report


Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) November 2015, Final Report

Pre-Election Need Assessment Mission (April 2015 - May 2015)

In advance of the GEOM in 2015, Gender Concerns International conducted a Pre-Election Need Assessment Mission. A crucial need to support women’s electoral participation was identified.


Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) May 2013, Final Report

Pre-Election Assessment Mission (March 2013)

Gender Concerns conducted a Pre-Election Assessment Mission before the 2013 election. It concluded uncertainty concerning the free and fair democratic participation of women.

Gender Concerns International and UNIFEM Pakistan became the official partners in advocating UNSCR 1325, 2009.

Gender Concerns International and UNIFEM Pakistan agreed to coordinate and cooperate in lending their respective expertise in support of the drafting, implementation and monitoring of the National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325.

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 13-21 February 2008, Final Report


Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2014, Final Report

Gender Concerns observed both the Tunisian Parliamentary Elections and the Presidential Elections in 2014.

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2011, Final Report

Gender Concerns conducted a Gender Election Observation Mission for the first free elections after Ben Ali’s downfall.


Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2021, Final Report

Disparity in Parity: 100 years of Women’s Right to Vote in The Netherlands (September 2017)

Gender Concerns International in partnership with Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad (Dutch Women’s Council) hosted an expert panel at Huis Van Europa for a public reflection entitled ´Disparity in Parity´, focusing on the Dutch National Elections held in March earlier this year. Our esteemed guest panel included parliamentarians, directors and members of organisations from the non-for-profit sector.

Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) 2017, Final Report