A Glimpse of Female Leadership for Saudi Women on the Horizon?


27th September 2011, Den Haag

A Glimpse of Female Leadership for Saudi Women on the Horizon?

Historic Decision in Saudi Arabia: Women to Vote and Run in Elections.
Gender Concerns International Welcomes this Announcement and
Calls on Other Arab Countries to Follow Suit

Gender Concerns International welcomes King Abdullah's announcement that women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the right to vote and run in future elections. "We congratulate Saudi Arabia's women in this tremendous achievement for their long overdue demand and thank King Abdullah for his historic decision", says director Sabra Bano.

According to King Abdullah's announcement, Saudi women will be able to vote, nominate themselves as candidates and become Shura Council members from 2015 onwards. "Despite the fact that the women will not be able to participate in the upcoming elections which start on Thursday, it is our hope that by 2015, women will have sufficient time to prepare themselves for their full political participation", adds Bano.

However, for women to truly be able to represent themselves, a gendered approach to electoral reform is required. Inclusive governance and female leadership are crucial elements to reaching gender equality, and are nowadays seen as a norm in most emerging democracies. The Arab Spring pro-reform movement has heightened awareness and acceptance of gender-equality throughout many countries including Tunisia and Egypt. Saudi Arabia is joining the countries that recognize the urgency of women's demand to interact and share their work and experiences with other women's organisations, locally, regionally and internationally.

Notably, Mohammed al-Zulfa, a former member of the Shura said the decision concurs fully with Sharia law and Islamic history, where, as King Abdullah said, women have been giving "opinions and advice since the era of Prophet Muhammad". Gender Concerns International hopes other countries with up-coming elections, for example Bahrain, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates, will take note of Saudi Arabia, and follow suit.

For Further Information, Please Contact

Philippa Parmar
Gender Concerns International

Phone: 00 31 (070) 4445082          
Raamweg 21-22 2596 HL, The Hague