UPDATE: PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 14, 13h30 ​Are we genderblind? A Reflection on GEOM: Prelude to the Parliamentary Discussion

As a prelude to the Parliamentary debate evaluating the elections, Gender Concerns International, in cooperation with the Dutch Women’s Council, hosted the event on September 4th: “100 Years Women's Voting Rights - Disparity in Parity: A Prelude to the Parliamentary Discussion”. The multi-stakeholder panel reflected and deliberated on the conclusions of the GEOM Report, and how best to move forward in implementation and development of policy. ‘Disparity in Parity’ promoted a multi-stakeholder collaboration with the focus of continuing progress at all levels of governance to bridge the gender gap especially in the area of electoral and political participation in The Netherlands.

The highly valued panel consisted of:

Nenita La Rose, Chair Dutch Women’s Council (NVR)

Nevin Özütok, Member of Parliament GroenLinks

Femke Merel Arissen, Member of Parliament Partij van de Dieren

Eddy Habben Jansen, Director ProDemos

Rene Romer, Director TransCity, expert on ethnic and migrant minorities

Alice Bouman, Honorary Founding President Women for Water Partnership

Sabra Bano, Gender Concerns International

For more information, conclusions from the panel discussion and follow-up, please regularly check the website: more information will follow soon. If you would like to follow the debate in Parliament, it will be held on September 7, 19:45, and is open to the public. You can also watch it online at https://www.tweedekamer.nl/debat_en_vergadering/livedebatten.